The future of Colorado?

The future of Colorado?

Water conservation will be the key to keeping Denver landscaping green and beautiful in the future. Wildfires continue to destroy thousand of acres of Colorado forest each year because of increasing heat and less rainfall. What can we learn from the destruction? Water is the precious key to life.

Denver residential homeowners are getting smart about their approach to a green landscape design that is sustainable in the drought Colorado has been in for over twenty years. First, decrease the size of your turfgrass or don’t have it all. There are parks and open spaces down the block for walking or taking the kids to play. Second, have a nice hardscape area (deck or patio) for enjoying your exterior living space. Third, use low water consuming xeriscape and native plants in your landscape. Fourth, install the most water efficient irrigation system you can buy.

By using proper green principles in our designs, implementation and maintenance today, we can create sustainable landscapes and protect natural resources for our children in the future. Not to mention saving thousands of dollars in your water bills in the future!